
Your Best Buds

Committed to providing marijuana related content for the purposes of education, information and all around journalism. We're here when you need a friend; we're Your Best Buds.



Why it matters that 8 out of 9 states passed marijuana related measures

As the 2016 presidential election comes to an end, it leaves many with the bitter feeling of a Trump presidency. While this may not have been the result that the majority of Americans were waiting for, it's important to understand... Continue Reading →

My older brother smoked brown weed with me and it made us closer

This is part of a series of strain reviews based on the flower’s price/shelf listing in Southern California dispensaries I woke up at my usual time of 9 a.m. to the sound of nobody home and the cold of the... Continue Reading →

Edibles give a new name to THC

People need to start taking advantage of the fact that you can bake THC into food. Edibles are treats that contain THC to give you the same high that smoking a bowl would and sometimes an even stronger high. A... Continue Reading →

More dispensaries need frequent patient discounts

How often do you go to a yogurt place or retail store and you take advantage of a stamp card discount? Some medical marijuana dispensaries also carry these stamp cards as a way to keep business going. Filling up a... Continue Reading →

Don’t be ‘that guy’ in the circle

It's one thing to smoke with a friend, but smoking with a group of friends can be an amazing experience if you have the right group. You meet up, pack the bowl or roll the joint(s), and pass it around... Continue Reading →

Don’t hide your ganja pride

It's strange to hear people question the idea of smoking the devil's lettuce, considering that it's such a prominent thing in society. Why is it that people still see Mariana as this illicit gateway drug that shouldn't be talked about... Continue Reading →

Reclassification of weed is top priority

There's been recent rumor of the DEA reclassifying marijuana from a schedule 1 drug to hopefully something less intense. This needs to be top priority because not only would it be kickstart to the future recreational use of marijuana, but... Continue Reading →

Not enough sativa to go around

Believe it or not, there is a science when growing marijuana that leads to producing different strains with different characteristics. The different strains are classified as Indica, Sativa and Hybrid; each category of strain has different traits that range from... Continue Reading →

Breaking away from the stigma

The U.S lives in a world where you can drink your body weight in alcohol, smoke until your lungs give out and even kill your body with prescription pills. However, you tell a person that you smoke marijuana to feel... Continue Reading →

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